Captain’s log

Celebrating 60 years of Bluenose II

Bluenose II,

July 24, 1963, what a day in our history. With the push of Nova Scotia and some government help the Oland family undertook to recreate an icon in Canadian History. This was quite a responsibility to undertake both financially and logistically. Bluenose has a special place in many people's hearts. In the sixties, dory fishing was still being practiced on the Grand Banks, Bluenose was lost only 17 years prior, and the scar was still fresh, particularly on the south shore of Nova Scotia. The Oland family, together with William Roué and Scotia Trawler created another special vessel. 

Film work and harbour cruises

Schooner Bluenose II.

“Rolling, speed, drone, ACTION!!” I could never have imagined myself in the film business but here we are once again. This week the ship has been chartered by FlyOver Canada as a lead attraction in an iMax format drone shoot. Film work is a strange affair where the art and vision of a director, writer and producer meet head on with the technical possibilities and physics of everyday life. 

Pictou to Lunenburg via Northern Cape Breton

Home tomorrow, the 12th of July. Sometimes it seems like we left yesterday, sometimes like we have been gone forever. By the time we return to Lunenburg we will have travelled close to 900 nautical miles and have been gone for just over three weeks. The principal mission for the trip was to complete the required inspection while the ship was out of the water. Though events, beyond our control, the yard delayed hauling us for some time and then could not get us back in the water before the long weekend.

First Transit of the Season

Well we have moved Bluenose II to Pictou in the Northumberland Straight to await our semiannual haul out. Under the regulations we must have a major haul out every five years and an intermediate haul out in between. This is common with all commercial ships and a part of modern life in the marine industry. Our ABS inspector will visit us and examine the hull and underwater appendages. Other than the general condition of the hull, the inspector will also look at the propellors and shafts, stern tube, and the through-hulls.

