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A memorable trip to Southwest Nova Scotia

Time marches on and it's difficult to imagine that the crew are half way through their six month season with us. They have grown and changed a great deal and are currently living a life they could not really imagine when they interviewed for the position in the mid winter. What a life changing experience for a young person — it certainly changed mine!

This past week we had our second trip away from Lunenburg when we headed to the south western end of the province for a stop in Yarmouth. The trip along the coast was unfortunately uninspiring and an experience to be endured rather than celebrated. The conditions were not in any way horrendous, just grey and foggy and some rain and a head sea. With the wind on the nose we were left to motor sail against the wind, being sure to try and catch the tide change near Cape Sable island. Twenty four hours after leaving Lunenburg, we were in the waters near Yarmouth. We had left some time in the schedule that we might have a block of time to put the ship under full sail or watch for wildlife or just about anything interesting for the crew. It was not to be however and we ended up making large circles in a one to two meter sea and limited visibility while waiting for the posted arrival time.

Yarmouth itself gave us a great welcome even with the limited time we are able to open the decks due to the height of tide. In Yarmouth, with a 14- to 15-foot change in water level we can only be open to the public for two hours each side of high tide time. In any case we were well welcomed and had close to 600 visitors while in Yarmouth.

One of the great surprises while we were away was the hospitality offered by the Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Tourism Association. They supplied local lunches in both Yarmouth and Pubnico. This was a lovely gift and I appreciated that they bothered to use businesses near the ship. This kind act also allowed the crew to highlight local businesses and the YAS tourism association while talking to our visitors.

From Yarmouth, we came back around the corner to foggy Pubnico. The locals tell me we always bring the fog but I’m not so sure they aren’t pulling my leg. In any case a visit to Pubnico is a great treat for me. The locals, all deeply connected to the sea, are very interested in Bluenose II and her predecessor. They are willing to talk history, the latest chart plotters and fishing at any time. It was a treat for me to stand on the wharf and meet captains, young and old. Some famous for their exploits, some waiting to make their name. I can't wait to go back!

With an overnight anchorage in False LaHave, our first for the year, we returned to Lunenburg, richer for our experiences. No trip would be complete without a text message from a senior Lunenburg Captain welcoming us home, “fish or no fish”.

Our harbour tours continue in Lunenburg and next week in Halifax. Have a look at our website for details!